Untitled (Big Onion)
Untitled (Big Onion)

Untitled (Big Onion), 2021, aluminum, LED light, motor,light filters, mechanism dimensions: 61 x 40 x 27 inches, effect: dimensions variable

Untitled (Big Onion) 2021

Untitled (Big Onion), aluminum, LED light, motor,light filters, mechanism dimensions: 61 x 40 x 27 inches, effect: dimensions variable

Untitled _2020_#1

Kinetic Light work, dimensions varable

By the Sea
By the Sea

plastic, aluminum, motors dimensions variable

Three works

By the Sea , Mini Torrent, Time Slap

kinetic light works

Time Slap
Time Slap

light, glass, aluminum, motors dimensions varable


Kinetic art work, dimensions variable

Cold Fire #2, Time Slap

Two kinetic light works

Mini Torrent
Mini Torrent

aluminum. light, optics dimensions variable

Mini Torrent

Mini Torrent, 2019, m/m kinetic, light, motors, machine, 11 x 12 x 4 inches. Effects, dimensions variable

Sun Cel

Sun Cel, m/m kinetic work, aluminum, optics, motor, LED light source, machine: 56 x 43 x 26 inches,

effects: dimensions variable

Light Play 2nd version

Gary Justis, Video of the Exhibition Light Play, Miami University of Ohio, Heistand Gallery

October 15-November 10, 2015

Community Machine Gun 2007

Digital Projector, aluminum, fabric, computer, 66 x 78 x 60 inches, projection: dimensions variable

Head on Horizon Redux

Head on Horizon Redux, 2010

m/m kinetic work, aluminum, wood LED light, motors, digital projection, machine 48 x 28 x 144 inches, light effects: dimensions variable

Untitled (Big Onion)
Untitled (Big Onion) 2021
Untitled _2020_#1
By the Sea
Three works
Time Slap
Cold Fire #2, Time Slap
Mini Torrent
Mini Torrent
Sun Cel
Light Play 2nd version
Community Machine Gun 2007
Head on Horizon Redux
Untitled (Big Onion)

Untitled (Big Onion), 2021, aluminum, LED light, motor,light filters, mechanism dimensions: 61 x 40 x 27 inches, effect: dimensions variable

Untitled (Big Onion) 2021

Untitled (Big Onion), aluminum, LED light, motor,light filters, mechanism dimensions: 61 x 40 x 27 inches, effect: dimensions variable

Untitled _2020_#1

Kinetic Light work, dimensions varable

By the Sea

plastic, aluminum, motors dimensions variable

Three works

By the Sea , Mini Torrent, Time Slap

kinetic light works

Time Slap

light, glass, aluminum, motors dimensions varable


Kinetic art work, dimensions variable

Cold Fire #2, Time Slap

Two kinetic light works

Mini Torrent

aluminum. light, optics dimensions variable

Mini Torrent

Mini Torrent, 2019, m/m kinetic, light, motors, machine, 11 x 12 x 4 inches. Effects, dimensions variable

Sun Cel

Sun Cel, m/m kinetic work, aluminum, optics, motor, LED light source, machine: 56 x 43 x 26 inches,

effects: dimensions variable

Light Play 2nd version

Gary Justis, Video of the Exhibition Light Play, Miami University of Ohio, Heistand Gallery

October 15-November 10, 2015

Community Machine Gun 2007

Digital Projector, aluminum, fabric, computer, 66 x 78 x 60 inches, projection: dimensions variable

Head on Horizon Redux

Head on Horizon Redux, 2010

m/m kinetic work, aluminum, wood LED light, motors, digital projection, machine 48 x 28 x 144 inches, light effects: dimensions variable

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